Other Words for Love af Lorraine Zago Rosenthal, er netop blevet udgivet i dag. Det er forfatterens debutroman, og derfor kender jeg ikke andre værker af hende. Jeg opdagede den, da jeg læste en fantastisk anmeldelse på
The Story Siren. Alt lige fra titlen, til forsiden til handlingsresumeet tiltrækker mig. Her er beskrivelsen af handlingen taget fra
When an unexpected inheritance enables Ari to transfer to an elite Manhattan prep school, she makes a wealthy new friend, Leigh. Leigh introduces Ari to the glamorous side of New York--and to her gorgeous cousin, Blake. Ari doesn't think she stands a chance, but amazingly, Blake asks her out. As their romance heats up, they find themselves involved in an intense, consuming relationship. Ari's family worries that she is losing touch with the important things in life, like family, hard work, and planning for the future.
When misfortune befalls Blake's family, he pulls away, and Ari's world drains of color. As she struggles to get over the breakup, Ari must finally ask herself: were their feelings true love . . . or something else?
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